Hi, I'm Tanya.

And I'm obsessed with helping life+business coaches stop spinning in overwhelm & confusion and create their simple, sophisticated offers.
Coaches' businesses – and lives – are transformed by the work we do together.

The only question I have is:
Will yours be next?


"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." -Leonardo da Vinci

I absolutely agree.

That's why I believe a simple offer is the best offer.

Ironically, a simple offer isn't always the easiest for our brains to create.

We often think MORE = BETTER.

But then we just end up confusing our future clients and ourselves by stuffing everything into our package we possibly can (including that old checklist Aunt Dotti loved from 2019).

On top of that, once we're finished putting together an offer we think we can live with, we decide it's terrible because (insert reasons here), and we should tear it down and start over again from scratch.

We can make this mean any number of things: "I suck at this," or "I'm never going to get this right," or "This is taking me wayyy too long." Those are just a few examples of the ones I often hear.

The funny thing is, this is totally normal. Actually, it should be expected.

Please stop for a moment and inhale a huge breath of some serious love for yourself here, okay? Great. Thank you.

This is what our minds do. The human brain's gonna brain.

It's doing its job AND that shouldn't stop you from putting your brilliance out into the world to offer to the people who need your help right now.

That's why I don't just work with you to design your offer and – fingers crossed – hope things go well for you as you put it out into the world. No. Not a chance.

Instead, we work together using my two-part, proven, proprietary framework to design your simple offer and manage your brilliant mind.


We deep-dive into everything in your offer related to "the math."

This includes:

• Your Pricing

• The Coaching Container

• Bonuses & Asset Materials


We address everything that has to do with "the mental" aspect of your offer.

This includes:

• Your North Star Statement – aka Your Niche

• Naming Your Offer

• 1:1 Coaching YOU on Becoming The New Version of Yourself Who's Putting This Shiny, New Offer Out Into the World

"Tanya has been an incredible resource to me by not only informing me about the new trends in the industry, but by also offering customized solutions specific to my business & my clients. She's encouraged me to use multiple key, powerful resources, and that transformed the way I interact with my clients. Tanya's always been ahead of the trends and her understanding of technology is without question, extensive. Most importantly, the way she communicates how these new systems can enhance your business's potential are presented in an understandable, fun & engaging way. I'd recommend her services to any size business, from large to small. One session with her will energize you and your employees!"

Grace G. | Portland, Oregon USA
Entrepreneur, Artist & Designer

"What I feel is so great and different about Tanya and Digital Sophisticate is that even though she is one of those gurus, she is a lot about my stuff as well—the heart and happiness—and she talks about things in a way that people can understand. She wants her clients to succeed. There sure is a soul in her business!"

Herdis P. | ReykjavĂ­k, Iceland
Owner, CEO and Coach

"This training with Tanya was GREAT. It was full of wonderful information and all the things you need to know to get yourself started and on the way to being a ‘Pinterest Queen!’ Tanya shares her information really clearly and eloquently, so you can confidently navigate this fascinating form of social media."

Lucinda P. | Toronto, Canada
Reiki Master & ARTbundance Coach

50% Complete

Two Step

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